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hunting + gathering service

  • Is there a certain vintage piece you're looking for but don't know where to find it?  Let us do the hunting for you!  We are constantly roaming and picking our way across the country in search of unique items. Whether you need that one special piece to tie your room together or you're decorating an entire restaurant, we would love to help.  We work with all budgets and have an extensive list of satisfied clients from restaurants and retail stores to creative designers and contractors.

Interior Design + Styling

  • Whether you're trying to create the perfect mancave or building out an entire restaurant, we can help you design and style your space to custom fit it to your imagination. We specialize in industrial inspired aesthetics, reflecting the history and style of our Rustbelt region.

event hosting

  • Our brick + mortar storefront is the perfect space for hosting intimate receptions, parties or film & photo shoots. Our inventory of unique vintage pieces and eclectic furniture create a one of a kind backdrop for any social gathering. With an open floor plan and an intimate outdoor patio & garden space, the possibilities are endless. There is truly no other place like it in Pittsburgh.

Prop rental

  • If you're a director, production designer or photographer looking for unique pieces to use in an upcoming shoot, we have an extensive inventory of one of a kind props ranging in style from primitive to modern industrial and everything in between. We would love to work with you on your next project.