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This is a tentative schedule of where you can find us the next few months.  Please keep in mind that all dates and times are subject to change due to weather conditions, travel schedules, etc. To stay updated on the latest schedule changes, please follow us on Facebook or Instagram.  Email us with any questions at

Springfield Antique Show
Sep 20

Springfield Antique Show

  • Springfield Antique Show

Join us as we set up shop at the Springfield Antique Show Extravaganza from September 18th-20th.  Over a thousand antique & vintage dealers set up on the Clark Country Fairgrounds for 3 days of wheeling and dealing. This is THE biggest antique show in the Midwest.

Neighborhood Flea
11:00 am11:00

Neighborhood Flea

  • Neighborhood Flea

The Neighborhood Flea takes place the second Sunday of every month in Pittsburgh's historic Strip District.  Over 70 local vendors offer everything from vintage clothing to handmade furniture to vintage finds.  Several food trucks are on site as well.  The Flea is located in the parking lot across from Marty's Market at 2300 Penn Ave.

Sewickley Vintage Street Fair
10:00 am10:00

Sewickley Vintage Street Fair

  • Sewickley Vintage Street Fair

Join Cuttings and some of Pittsburgh's best fleatique vendors on Locust Place for a day of fun in the sun. This event is the same day as the Child Health Antique Show and the Sale at the Barn! A great day for antiquing in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Table Magazine and Turn Key Clean Out & Estate Sales. Some of the vendors include: The Ardent Forager, Toll Gate Revival, Friday Cheer Co., Shop Juju's, The Art of Salvage, The Vinge, Tula Vintage, Junk and Disorderly, Between Sisters and others!!!

Studio Open House
Aug 23

Studio Open House

  • Toll Gate Revival

Our studio will be open Saturday & Sunday August 23 & 24 from 12-4pm. 

Come browse our eclectic collection of vintage home decor and custom repurposed furniture.  New inventory arriving every week.

Neighborhood Flea
11:00 am11:00

Neighborhood Flea

  • Neighborhood Flea

The Neighborhood Flea takes place the second Sunday of every month in Pittsburgh's historic Strip District.  Over 70 local vendors offer everything from vintage clothing to handmade furniture to vintage finds.  Several food trucks are on site as well.  The Flea is located in the parking lot across from Marty's Market at 2300 Penn Ave.

Studio Open House
12:00 pm12:00

Studio Open House

  • Toll Gate Revival

Our studio will be open Saturday August 8th from 12-4pm. 

Come browse our eclectic collection of vintage home decor and custom repurposed furniture.  New inventory arriving every week.

Washington Antiques Fair
8:00 am08:00

Washington Antiques Fair

  • Washington Antiques Fair

We'll be setting up at the Washington Antiques Fair on Sunday July 26th from 8am-3pm.

Located in the parking lot of the Washington Wild Things baseball stadium in Washington, PA just a 35 minute drive from downtown Pittsburgh.  Here you'll find hundreds of vendors offering quality antiques & vintage finds.

Studio Open House
Jul 19

Studio Open House

  • Toll Gate Revival

Our studio will be open Saturday & Sunday from 12-5pm. 

Come browse our eclectic collection of vintage home decor and custom repurposed furniture.  New inventory arriving every week.

Washington Antiques Fair
8:00 am08:00

Washington Antiques Fair

  • Washington Antiques Fair

The Washington Antiques Fair takes place on the last Sunday of every month from March-October.  It is located in the parking lot of the Washington Wild Things baseball stadium in Washington, PA, just a 35 minute drive from downtown Pittsburgh.  Here you'll find hundreds of vendors offering all sorts of antiques & vintage finds.

Studio Open House
Jun 21

Studio Open House

  • Toll Gate Revival

Our studio will be open from 12-4pm on Saturday and Sunday June 20th and 21st. 

Come browse our unique and ever changing inventory of vintage home décor pieces and custom furniture built from reclaimed materials.

The Neighborhood Flea
11:00 am11:00

The Neighborhood Flea

  • The Neighborhood Flea

The Neighborhood Flea Second Sundays in the Strip.  Tons of vendors offering vintage finds, locally manufactured goods and amazing food.  The Flea is located in the parking lot across fro Marty's Market at 23rd Street between Smallman St. and Penn Ave.

Studio Open House
12:00 pm12:00

Studio Open House

  • Toll Gate Studio

Our studio will be open from 12-4pm on Sunday May 31st. 

Come browse our unique and ever changing inventory of vintage home décor pieces and custom furniture built from reclaimed materials.

Springfield Antique Show
May 17

Springfield Antique Show

  • Springfield Antique Show

We will be traveling out to Springfield, Ohio to set up at the Springfield Antique Extravaganza Show, one of the biggest vintage & antique shows in the country with thousands of vendors.  Located on the Clark County Fairgrounds in Springfield, Ohio. We will be set up from Friday through Sunday.  Get there early!

The Neighborhood Flea
11:00 am11:00

The Neighborhood Flea

  • The Neighborhood Flea

The Neighborhood Flea kicks off its Second Sundays in the Strip season on May 10th from 11-4pm.  Come celebrate Mother's Day with us at the Flea.  Tons of vendors offering vintage finds, locally manufactured goods and amazing food.  The Flea is located in the parking lot across fro Marty's Market at 23rd Street between Smallman St. and Penn Ave.

Washington Antiques Fair
8:00 am08:00

Washington Antiques Fair

  • Washington Antiques Fair

The Washington Antiques Fair takes place on the last Sunday of every month from March-October.  It is located in the parking lot of the Washington Wild Things baseball stadium in Washington, PA, just a 35 minute drive from downtown Pittsburgh.  Here you'll find hundreds of vendors offering all sorts of antiques & vintage finds.

Studio Open House
Apr 19

Studio Open House

  • Toll Gate Revival

Our studio will be open from 12-4pm on Saturday & Sunday April 18-19th.

Stop by to browse our eclectic collection of vintage home décor, collectibles and repurposed furniture.

New inventory arriving every week!

The Neighborhood Flea
9:00 am09:00

The Neighborhood Flea

  • Liberty Elementary School- Shadyside

The Neighborhood Flea kicks off their season with a "mini-flea" in Shadyside.  This event is in partnership with Think Shadyside to benefit the Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center.  There will be a pup walk, community yard sale and a pop up Neighborhood Flea featuring quality vendors selling all sorts of vintage goods. This event will take place at the Liberty Elementary School in Shadyside, located at 601 Filbert St. Pittsburgh, PA 15232 one block off of Walnut St.  

Studio Open House
12:00 pm12:00

Studio Open House

  • Toll Gate Revival

Our studio will be open from 12-4pm on Saturday only,  April 4th.

Stop by to browse our eclectic collection of vintage home décor, collectibles and repurposed furniture.

New inventory arriving every week!

Washington Antiques Fair
8:00 am08:00

Washington Antiques Fair

  • Washington Antiques Fair

The Washington Antiques Fair takes place on the last Sunday of every month from March-October.  It is located in the parking lot of the Washington Wild Things baseball stadium in Washington, PA, just a 35 minute drive from downtown Pittsburgh.  Here you'll find hundreds of vendors offering all sorts of antiques & vintage finds.

Studio Open House
Mar 15

Studio Open House

  • Toll Gate Revival

Our studio will be open from 12-4pm on both Saturday & Sunday March 14th & 15th.

Stop by to browse our eclectic collection of vintage home décor, collectibles and repurposed furniture.